Crate extendr_api::prelude::dyn_stack

Expand description

Stack that allows users to allocate dynamically sized arrays.

The stack wraps a buffer of bytes that it uses as a workspace. Allocating an array takes a chunk of memory from the stack, which can be reused once the array is dropped.


use core::mem::MaybeUninit;
use dyn_stack::{DynStack, StackReq};
use reborrow::ReborrowMut;

// We allocate enough storage for 3 `i32` and 4 `u8`.
let mut buf = [MaybeUninit::uninit();
let mut stack = DynStack::new(&mut buf);

    // We can have nested allocations.
    // 3×`i32`
    let (array_i32, substack) = stack.rb_mut().make_with::<i32, _>(3, |i| i as i32);
    // and 4×`u8`
    let (mut array_u8, _) = substack.make_with::<u8, _>(4, |_| 0);

    // We can read from the arrays,
    assert_eq!(array_i32[0], 0);
    assert_eq!(array_i32[1], 1);
    assert_eq!(array_i32[2], 2);

    // and write to them.
    array_u8[0] = 1;

    assert_eq!(array_u8[0], 1);
    assert_eq!(array_u8[1], 0);
    assert_eq!(array_u8[2], 0);
    assert_eq!(array_u8[3], 0);

// We can also have disjoint allocations.
    // 3×`i32`
    let (mut array_i32, _) = stack.rb_mut().make_with::<i32, _>(3, |i| i as i32);
    assert_eq!(array_i32[0], 0);
    assert_eq!(array_i32[1], 1);
    assert_eq!(array_i32[2], 2);

    // or 4×`u8`
    let (mut array_u8, _) = stack.rb_mut().make_with::<i32, _>(4, |i| i as i32 + 3);
    assert_eq!(array_u8[0], 3);
    assert_eq!(array_u8[1], 4);
    assert_eq!(array_u8[2], 5);
    assert_eq!(array_u8[3], 6);



  • Owns an unsized array of data, allocated from some stack.
  • Stack wrapper around a buffer of uninitialized bytes.
  • Buffer of uninitialized bytes to serve as workspace for dynamic arrays.
  • Buffer of initialized bytes to serve as workspace for dynamic POD arrays.
  • Stack wrapper around a buffer of bytes.
  • Size overflow error during the computation of stack allocation requirements.
  • Stack allocation requirements.
