Module extendr_api::prelude::sparse::linalg::qr

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Computes the QR decomposition of a given sparse matrix. See crate::linalg::qr for more info.

The entry point in this module is SymbolicQr and factorize_symbolic_qr.


The functions in this module accept unsorted input, and always produce unsorted decomposition factors.



  • Sparse QR factorization wrapper.
  • Tuning parameters for the QR symbolic factorization.
  • The symbolic structure of a sparse QR decomposition.


  • The inner factorization used for the symbolic QR, either simplicial or symbolic.


  • Computes the column elimination tree of $A$, which is the same as the elimination tree of $A^H A$.
  • Computes the size and alignment of the workspace required to compute the column elimination tree of a matrix $A$ with dimensions (nrows, ncols).
  • Computes the size and alignment of the workspace required to compute the column counts of the Cholesky factor of the matrix $A A^H$, where $A$ has dimensions (nrows, ncols).
  • Computes the column counts of the Cholesky factor of $A\top A$.
  • Computes the symbolic QR factorization of the matrix A, or returns an error if the operation could not be completed.
  • Computes a postordering of the elimination tree of size n.
  • Computes the size and alignment of the workspace required to compute the postordering of an elimination tree of size n.