Analogous to usethis::use_package()
but for crate dependencies.
- crate
character scalar, the name of the crate to add
- features
character vector, a list of features to include from the crate
- git
character scalar, the full URL of the remote Git repository
- version
character scalar, the version of the crate to add
- optional
boolean scalar, whether to mark the dependency as optional (FALSE by default)
- path
character scalar, the package directory
For more details regarding these and other options, see the
Cargo docs
for cargo-add
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# add to [dependencies]
# add to [dependencies] and [features]
use_crate("serde", features = "derive")
# add to [dependencies] using github repository as source
use_crate("serde", git = "")
# add to [dependencies] with specific version
use_crate("serde", version = "1.0.1")
# add to [dependencies] with optional compilation
use_crate("serde", optional = TRUE)
} # }