







  • Arguments can be (mutable) typed slices such as &[Rbool], &mut [Rint] etc. [#790]
  • New optional faer feature which enables conversion between faer matrix and RMatrix<f64> [#706]
  • Adds TryFrom<Robj> and <TryFrom<&Robj> for impl blocks marked with #[extendr] macro allowing falliable conversion to &Self &mut Self [#730]
  • Adds From<T> for Robj for impl blocks marked with #[extendr] macro
  • The new ExpectedExternalNonNullPtr error variant provides a more informative error when a null pointer is accessed
  • RArray::data_mut provides a mutable slice to the underlying array data [#657]
  • Implements the Attributes trait for all R vector wrapper structs (e.g. Integers , Doubles, Strings, etc.), allowing for easy access and setting of the attributes of an R object [#745]. This comes with breaking changes. See below.
  • feature non-api that gives access to non-API items; Requires compile-time generation of bindings [#754]
  • TryFrom<&Robj> for StrIter, HashMap<K, Robj> for K = String and K = &str [#759]


  • [Potentially breaking]: RArray::from_parts no longer requires a pointer to the underlying data vector [#657]
  • #[extendr(use_try_from = true) is now the default setting, therefore the option use_try_from has been removed [#759]

Breaking changes

  • R-devel Non-API changes:
    • R’s C API is being formalized. While the changes are formalized, non-API functions are hidden behind a feature flag to prevent removal from CRAN.
    • Non-API changes are in flux in R-devel, however, CRAN has set a July 9th date to remove any package that uses non-API functions. This includes almost every extendr based package on CRAN.
    • See [Rd] clarifying and adjusting the C API for R
    • nonAPI.txt functions are hidden behind the non-api feature flag.
    • Removed from default include (but may not be limited to):
      • global_var(), local_var(), base_env(), various Environment, Function, Primitive, and Promise methods.
  • Attributes trait now returns a mutable reference to Self. [#745]. Previously .set_attrib() would modify an object in place, and then return an untyped owned pointer (Robj). Instead, now we return &mut Self.
  • In AltRep the unserialize_ex, set_parent, set_envflags are now hidden behind the feature flag non-api. Also, Promise::from_parts is marked as non-API.
  • Floating point numbers with decimal part can no longer be converted to integer types via rounding [#757]
  • You can no longer create an Robj from a reference &T, where T is an extendr-impl. [#759]
  • You can no longer use from_robj, as the trait FromRobj as been removed. Instead, use try_from.
  • It is no longer possible to access an R integer vector as a &[u32] [#767]
  • It is no longer possible to generate bindings as part of the compilation of extendr. Feature non-api is broken and will not compile. Related


  • returning &Self or &mut Self from a method in an #[extendr]-impl would result in unintended cloning [#614]
  • TryFrom<&Robj> and FromRobj for integer scalars now correctly handles conversions from f64 [#757]



  • ALTLIST support allowing users to represent structs as R list objects [#600]
  • [either] TryFrom<&Robj> for Either<T, R> and From<Either<T, R>> for Robj if T and R are themselves implement these traits. This unblocks scenarios like accepting any numeric vector from R via Either<Integers, Doubles> without extra memory allocation [#480]
  • PartialOrd trait implementation for Rfloat, Rint and Rbool. Rfloat and Rint gained min() and max() methods [#573]
  • use_rng option for the extendr attribute macro, which enables the use of random number sampling methods from R, e.g. #[extendr(use_rng = true) [#476]
  • [T; N] conversions to Robj [#594]
  • ToVectorValue for Rfloat, Rint and Rbool [#593]
  • TryFrom<_> on Vec<_> for Integers (i32), Complexes (c64), Doubles (f64), and Logicals (bool / i32). [#593]
  • Rstr can now be constructed from Option<String> [#630]


  • You can now create ArrayView1 from &Robj as well as Robj [#501]
  • Raw literals from Rust can be used for function and argument names. e.g. fn r#type() in Rust is converted to type() in R. [#531]
  • Fix memory leaks on errors and panics [#555]
  • Fixed error when collecting too many objects into List, etc. [#540]



  • Support for setting the default value of arguments to struct methods, using #[default = "..."] [#436]
  • [ndarray] TryFrom<&Robj> for ArrayView1<T> and ArrayView2<T>, where T is i32, f64, c64, Rint, Rfloat, Rcplx, Rstr, Rbool [#443]
  • Debug trait implementation for Rcplx and Complexes [#444]
  • TryFrom<Robj>, From<Option<T>>, Into<Option<T>> and their variations for Nullable<T> [#446]
  • Nullable<T>::map() that acts on not null value and propagates NULL [#446]
  • [ndarray] Conversion from owned arrays (ie ndarray::Array) into Robj [#450]
  • [ndarray][docs] Documentation for the robj_ndarray module [#450]
  • Sum for scalars like Rint, Rfloat and Rcplx, which accept Iterator<Item = &Rtype> [#454]
  • A new collect_rarray method that can be used to collect arbitrary iterables into an R matrix [#466]
  • [docs] Documentation for RArray::new_matrix() [#466]


  • [docs] Use bindgen on, to ensure newer R features will still be documented [#426]
  • Unify the tagging mechanism used to identify Rust types inside ExternalPtr. This allows #[extendr]-annotated functions to directly accept ExternalPtr<MyStruct> as well as MyStruct [#433]
  • Nullable<T> is now part of extendr_api::prelude [#446]
  • Bump the Rust edition from 2018 to 2021 [#458]
  • When converted to STRSXP, strings are now correctly marked as UTF-8 even on non-UTF-8 platforms (i.e., R < 4.2 on Windows), which shouldn’t matter for most of the users [#467]


  • The R CMD check note “Found non-API calls to R” by moving use extendr_engine; inside test! macro [#424]
  • The clippy lint “this public function might dereference a raw pointer but is not marked unsafe[#451]
  • A bug where importing a submodule via use some_module; inside the extendr_module! macro wasn’t working [#469]



  • Function type that wraps an R function, which can be invoked using the call() method. [#188]

  • pairlist! macro for generating Pairlist objects, e.g. for use in function calls. [#202]

  • use_try_from option for the extendr macro, which allows the use of any type that implements TryInto<Robj>/TryFrom<Robj>, e.g. #[extendr(use_try_from = true)]. [#222]

  • Support for R version 4.2. [#235]

  • call! macro, which can be used to call an R function whose name is provided as a string. [#238]

  • Large Rust integer types (u32, u64 and i64) can now be converted to R’s numeric type, which can handle large integer values. [#242]

  • TryFrom<Robj> for a large number of Rust types. [#249], [#258]

  • Support for ALTREP. [#250], [#274]

  • S4 struct, which wraps an S4 class in R. [#268]

  • [ndarray] Implemented TryFrom<&ArrayBase> for Robj, allowing extendr-annotated functions to return Arrays from the ndarray crate and have them automatically converted to R arrays. [#275]

  • Rint, Rdouble, Rbool and Rcplx: NA-aware wrappers for scalar elements of R vectors [#274], [#284], [#301], [#338], [#350]

  • Integers, Doubles, Strings, Logicals and Complexes: wrappers for R vectors that deref to slices of the above types (RInt etc). [#274], [#284], [#301], [#338], [#350]

  • ExternalPtr, a wrapper class for creating R objects containing any Rust object. [#260]

  • [graphics] Support for R graphics and graphics devices. The graphics feature flag is disabled by default. [#279], [#360], [#373], [#379], [#380], [#389]

  • Deref implementation for vector types (Rint/Rfloat/Rbool/Rstr/Robj) to appropriately typed Rust slices. [#327]

  • default option for extendr-annotated functions, allowing them to have default values, e.g. fn fred(#[default="NULL"] x: Option<i32>) { }. [#334]

  • r_name option for extendr-annotated functions, allowing the generated R function to have a different name. e.g.

        use_try_from = true,
        r_name = "test.rename.rlike",
        mod_name = "test_rename_mymod"
    fn test_rename() { }


  • serde::Serialize implementation for R types. [#305], [#355]

  • Rany type and the as_any conversion method. [#320]

  • std::fmt::Debug implementation for wrapper types. [#345]

  • #[derive(TryFromRobj) and #[derive(IntoRobj)] which provide an automatic conversion from and to any custom Rust struct and Robj [#347]

  • [[ operator that works with Rust classes. Its behavior is identical to that of the $ operator. [#359]

  • Load and Save, traits that, once implemented, provide the ability to load and save R data in the RDS format. These traits are implemented for all Robj. [#363]

  • Dataframe wrapper struct. [#393]

  • IntoDataFrame trait, which can be derived to allow arbitrary Rust structs to be converted to rows of a data frame. [#393]


  • Strings::elt now returns an Rstr. [#345]

  • Renamed RType to Rtype. [#345]

  • Wrapper types now contain Robj fields. [#190]

  • The R! macro now accepts strings that contain R code. This is now the recommended way of using the macro, especially with raw strings e.g.



  • Improved error handling for <&str>::try_from(Robj). [#226]

  • SymPair::sym_pair() now returns (Option<Robj>, Robj). [#225]

  • More detailed error messages when converting Rust integer types to R. [#243]

  • Character is now called Rstr. [#273]

  • [ndarray] Bumped ndarray to 0.15.3. Under RFC 1977 this is a “public dependency” change, and therefore can be considered a breaking change, as consumers of extendr that use an older version of ndarray will no longer be compatible until they also bump ndarray to a compatible version. [#275]

  • IsNA trait has been renamed to CanBeNA. [#288]

  • list! has been rewritten, and now returns a List struct. [#303]


  • Calling the R! macro with non-string types (e.g. R!(1)) is now deprecated. [#203]


  • Real, Int, Bool and the redundant trait SliceIter, which should be replaced with Rdouble, Rint, and Rbool respectively. [#304], [#338]
  • TryFrom conversions between Robj and HashMap for consistency. List::into_hashmap() and List::from_hashmap() should be used instead. [#254]

extendr 0.2.0

  • Added contributing guidelines and code of conduct.

  • Made use of ndarray optional.

  • Made #[extendr] calls panic and thread safe.

  • Added NA handling to the #[extendr] macro.

  • Added a separate extendr-engine crate that is needed when calling R from Rust.

  • Wrapper classes for pairlists, environment, raw, symbols and others.

  • More iterator support.

  • Operators index, slice, dollar, double_colon, +, -, * and /`.

  • Debug printing support expanded to use wrappers.

  • Conversion of Robj to wrapper types.

  • Multithreaded support - allows multithreaded testing using a recursive spinlock.

  • Bool type extended and implemented using TRUE, FALSE and NA_BOOLEAN.

  • Optional parameters to support NA handing.

  • Errors thrown if input parameters without Option are NA.

  • Harmonising of function names into integer, real, logical, symbol, raw, list, pairlist and env.

  • Refactored robj code into several source files.

  • Many functions updated to use generic types.

  • R! macro for executing R source code.

  • call! macro to call R code.

  • sym! macro to generate symbols.

  • Simplification of vector generation using collect_robj and ToVectorValue.

  • Added array types [1, 2, 3] as Robj::from targets.

  • Macros now mostly return errors.

extendr 0.1.10

  • Fix build on Windows and MacOS.