pub trait IntoNdProducer {
    type Item;
    type Dim: Dimension;
    type Output: NdProducer<Dim = Self::Dim, Item = Self::Item>;

    // Required method
    fn into_producer(self) -> Self::Output;
Expand description

Argument conversion into a producer.

Slices and vectors can be used (equivalent to 1-dimensional array views).

This trait is like IntoIterator for NdProducers instead of iterators.

Required Associated Types§


type Item

The element produced per iteration.


type Dim: Dimension

Dimension type of the producer


type Output: NdProducer<Dim = Self::Dim, Item = Self::Item>

Required Methods§


fn into_producer(self) -> Self::Output

Convert the value into an NdProducer.

Implementations on Foreign Types§


impl<'a, A> IntoNdProducer for &'a [A]
where A: 'a,

A slice is a one-dimensional producer


impl<'a, A> IntoNdProducer for &'a Vec<A>
where A: 'a,

A Vec is a one-dimensional producer


impl<'a, A> IntoNdProducer for &'a mut [A]
where A: 'a,

A mutable slice is a mutable one-dimensional producer


impl<'a, A> IntoNdProducer for &'a mut Vec<A>
where A: 'a,

A mutable Vec is a mutable one-dimensional producer


type Item = <<&'a mut Vec<A> as IntoNdProducer>::Output as NdProducer>::Item


type Dim = Dim<[usize; 1]>


type Output = ArrayBase<ViewRepr<&'a mut A>, Dim<[usize; 1]>>


fn into_producer(self) -> <&'a mut Vec<A> as IntoNdProducer>::Output



impl<'a, A, S, D> IntoNdProducer for &'a ArrayBase<S, D>
where A: 'a, D: Dimension, S: Data<Elem = A>,

An array reference is an n-dimensional producer of element references (like ArrayView).


type Item = &'a A


type Dim = D


type Output = ArrayBase<ViewRepr<&'a A>, D>


impl<'a, A, S, D> IntoNdProducer for &'a mut ArrayBase<S, D>
where A: 'a, D: Dimension, S: DataMut<Elem = A>,

A mutable array reference is an n-dimensional producer of mutable element references (like ArrayViewMut).


impl<P> IntoNdProducer for P
where P: NdProducer,


type Item = <P as NdProducer>::Item


type Dim = <P as NdProducer>::Dim


type Output = P